(Click image for full-size)I have an unhealthy obsession with the Food Network. Well actually it's a love-hate relationship.
I strongly dislike:
Rachael "All-I-Can-Say-About-Any-Kind-of-Food-is-YUMMO" Ray
Emeril "BAM-is-the-Only-Technique-I've-Mastered" Lagassi
Sandra "I-Have-Big-Boobs" Lee
Personal favorites include Anthony Bourdain and Alton Brown. And, I'll admit it, Duff and his cakes.
Although I do love watching Alton Brown's uber-educational shows, I usually think he is a much more intelligent version of Martha Stewart. Meaning his techniques are spot on, but a bit OCD and require the precision of a rocket scientist. But I scored some ramekins and decided to make his peach upside down cake in honor of the ending of summer.
I accidentally bought white peaches instead of the regular ones, and I abandoned the crystallized ginger he throws in the mix, but it's still juicy and sweet and each ramekin is a perfect single serving. And is golden brown sugar the same as light brown sugar? I'm pretty sure they're not, but I used the golden brown kind and I doubt there was a difference. Oh, and I forgot to get buttermilk, so I put a teaspoon of cream of tartar in 2% milk, let it sit for 10 minutes, and again, no difference in the baked outcome. Seeeeeee... baking doesn't have to be
that precise...
Makes 4 ramekins
3 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 cup light brown sugar
2 peaches, peeled
2.5 ounces all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
vanilla bean ice cream
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Divide 2 tablespoons of the butter and the brown sugar between 4 ramekins (the 6-ounce kind).
Slice each peach into 12-14 pieces and divide them amongst the ramekins, on top of the sugar.
Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the sugar, buttermilk, vanilla extract and 1 tablespoon of melted butter.
Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and stir 12 times! Then STOP! I know, it's lumpy, but it should be! Then pour mixture into ramekins.
Place ramekins on a baking sheet and bake on the middle rack for 20-25 minutes. Alton says to wait until the internal temperature is 190 degrees F, but who really does that??*
Remove from oven, and cool. Alton says just for 5 minutes, but in order for it to flip out in proper form, wait at least 20 minutes.

Run a knife about the edge of the ramekin to loosen the gooey stuff from the walls. Hold the ramekin in on hand, put a plate upside down on top of the ramekin. Holding the ramekin and plate together, flip it over so now the ramekin is upside down. Tap the ramekin and giggle slightly so that cake releases itself from the ramekin. Reheat in the microwave if not hot enough for you.
Generously plop vanilla bean ice cream on top. Ben & Jerry's makes
Willie Nelson's Country Peach Cobbler ice cream if you're feeling extremely peachy.
*OK, I really did.