Last April I was in glorious New York for my first time. And in the spirit of New York, of course I had to have a bagel. While the bagel did not impress me and was nothing more than what Noah could deliver on the west coast, I was surprised with a free show along with my morning shmear.
I was quietly eating my bagel along the counter facing out to the street, when all of a sudden a van blaring Hebrew music out from its external speakers stopped right in front of the shop. Big letters on the van told me that they were here to celebrate the coming of the Messiah. Out of this van popped out at least 6 men, whose clothing varied from traditional garb to full on clown suits. A couple dudes couldn't decide what to wear that morning and just wore it all at once.
The guys came bursting in through the door, dancing and singing "Hava Nagila" (yes, I have been to several bar and bat mitzvahs back in the middle school days), grabbing other customers and obviously rejoicing in the coming of the Messiah. But no fair, as the token Asian, I was left alienated and alone with my mediocre breakfast. And since they had already outcast me, I decided to play to the stereotype. I whipped out my iPhone and tried to snap a decent picture. But those clowns sure did have fast feet, hence the blurry picture. Wonder what festivities will take place when the Messiah actually arrives?! I better be invited.
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